Chronic Pain Solutions

Tired of living in pain? We can deliver effective, long-term pain relief for a wide variety of chronic conditions. The word chronic refers to something that is long lasting, deeply seeded, constantly recurring, and difficult to eradicate. When coupled with pain, the end result can be loss of function, vitality, and oftentimes lifestyle. Chronic pain invades the body and the mind through multiple avenues unique to each person. These cases often involve treatment of multiple regions of the body as well as multiple systems, as most chronic issues are held in the body, mind, and the organ systems. Treatment of multiple systems can create a systemic awakening that can reinstate the healing process and break the cycle of pain.

Many people suffering with chronic pain have sensitized, or have just gotten used to life with pain, but continue to function throughout all aspects of their lives. Despite retaining some quality of life, this individual has now succumbed to the notion that this pain is just part of life. Stop living with pain! Through a detailed, systemic evaluation, get to the root cause of symptoms. The root cause of chronic pain is oftentimes not located where the pain is manifesting. Many individuals will have had treatment for the area of pain, without long-lasting results, contributing to a sense of despair. We treat the system as a whole, which has been shown to be much more effective than treatment to the painful area alone. Even if you’ve been treated in the past without success, we may be able to help.

Chronic Pain Solutions Steve Works Lower Back of Patient

Structurally, the body needs to stack over the foundations of the feet and pelvis efficiently. When this does not happen the system must right itself to keep the head level. Thus, for example, chronic neck pain may actually have lower body dysfunction as its origin. Pain and emotions can also be held in the organ system. Each organ has its own personality. Treatment to the organs can make amazing changes to pain via referral pain, providing a support for the system, and allowing the client to release the pain and heal.

Pain is held in the mind as well, and manifests in the form of worry, frustration, depression, defiance, and sorrow. It becomes imperative for you to first understand why you are in pain. We have found that education itself has reduced pain on the first visit without any treatment. This amazing phenomenon shows that through the peace of mind gained by confidence of understanding, individuals can begin to feel improvements right away. Over the course of a prescribed treatment plan and exercise program, we can deliver stunning chronic pain relief that will empower you to regain control of your lifestyle and empower you to live your life to the fullest.