Performance Enhancement

Many clients are driven athletically, wanting to bike faster, run or hike further, and ski harder. For these clients we have a unique combination of exercise and treatment designed to improve efficiency in the absence of pain. Even the most elite athletes are riddled with inefficiencies, which can lead to reduced performance and increased injury potential. Our detailed evaluation system will seek to discover these inefficiencies that, once treated, can improve systemic stability, efficiency and power. After evaluation we will create a treatment plan based on these findings and each client’s specific goals.

Performance Enhancement

Treatment of a healthy system has many benefits. Positive changes that occur with treatment tend to last longer as the system is not dealing with inflammation and stresses involved with injury or pain. Every human has inefficiencies that when treated can improve symmetry and core strength. A pain-free system is often times at its baseline, so it is the perfect time to raise the bar!

Finally we add or subtract exercises to your regimen based on our evaluation, goals, and performance of existing programs. Typical exercise programs are oftentimes general and not written individually and fit specifically for each client’s needs. We will take your existing program and integrate it with our evaluation and treatment to create the perfect training regimen for you. Whether for competition or recreation, it is great to be able to tap into you maximal potential for the most enjoyable experience possible. We empower you to perform at your peak, every day.