Integrated Manual Physical Therapy

Manual Therapy is a system that seeks to evaluate the whole person to discover areas of dysfunction, and correct those dysfunctions through the use of skilled touch and physical rehabilitation to facilitate positive change in the body.

Dysfunctions may be related to repetitive stressors, lifestyle, previous trauma or injury, medical history or other factors. Once evaluated, dysfunctions are treated through a variety of different and complementary forms of physical therapy designed to integrate the bodily systems to promote healing and increase strength. The force used can range from joint manipulation to light touch, and is individualized for each patient’s needs.

We take a holistic view of treatment, and evaluate multiple bodily systems simultaneously to create the most effective treatment plan for each individual. Below is a brief description of each of the systems we treat.

Integrated Manual Physical Therapy Steve Treats Patient Performing Spine Manipulation

The articular system (joints) have very specific movements (component motions and joint play) that occur to enable physiological movement. Through the use of specific manipulations and mobilizations, joints can improve in symmetry and efficiency, leading to improved strength and functional output.

Running seamlessly from the skin to the periosteum of the bone, the fascial system comprises the web of connective tissue interlinking the entire body. This system is tightly interwoven between regions and systems, often demanding multiple forms of treatment. With its complexity, the fascial system requires very specific treatment in regards to depth, direction, and degree of restriction to reach the ultimate source of dysfunction. Scar tissue can have a very detrimental effect on the “fascial sweater” but can be dealt with very effectively via release and reintegration into the systems.

The muscular system is oftentimes where pain presents itself most readily. Muscles are often overloaded by poor postures and repetitive activities, creating a state of chemical holding. Dysfunction in the articular or nervous system will also lead to reaction from the muscular system, which may come in the form of spasm, compensatory movement or fatigue, all of which can lead to pain. Manual therapy enables us to reach the true source of the problem, correct the dysfunction, and retrain the muscular system to hold the changes and restore homeostasis to the system.

Treatment techniques will vary as the client progresses towards restoration of lifestyle, recreation, athletics and function. Each client will receive an exercise program and lifestyle adaptations to maintain positive changes achieved through therapy. We seek to restore function and improve lifestyle, whether your goal is walking around the block with comfort or running a marathon in record time. Finally, a plan for future care and bodily maintenance will be established to empower you to live your best life, every day.