Strength & Conditioning

Once pain has been alleviated, that million dollar question always arises: “How do I make sure this does not come back?” The answer lies with prescribing the right exercise program to enhance strength and improve conditioning. This program must be based on baseline tests that are specific to the daily and athletic demands you place on your body. If you are an existing client we will have already established these parameters. With a new client we will structure testing around an interview to ensure we understand your lifestyle needs and personal goals.

Strength and Conditioning Steve Corrects Form Client Doing Pushup

With baseline measurements in place, strengthening can be added in a variety of forms based on function and sport, using fitness tools such as band resistance, cable resistance, high-intensity training (HIT), interval training, weight training and plyometrics. These programs are written individually and fit specifically to each client’s needs. For a fitness program to be successful, you need to see the meaning behind it and feel the results are directly connected to your effort. Our overall goal is to have every client be able to manage their dysfunctions via exercise, relying less on treatment as the condition improves.

Another element of conditioning that is vital to the system is cardiovascular training. Cardio can be integrated into a strengthening workout, performed on its own, or done with your preferred form of outdoor recreation. Similarly to strength training, a cardiovascular conditioning program is based on a baseline level established on factors such as goals, physiological health, and your exercise method of choice. If every client finds a type of exercise they enjoy, it will become a regular part of lifestyle, leading to long-lasting health, wellness and high quality of life, every day.